There's this pastor whom I know who always ends his "Holy Week" Message with an illustration of how the blood of our Lord Jesus speaks louder than the accusations of the devil. I was even a part of that illustration once (either Holy Week 2017/2018/2019) when he asked me to play the part of the accuser of the brethren.
Funny thing. I played the part in a skit. But this pastor plays this role in real life.
You see, I've made mistakes in the past. I've made wrong decisions in life. I'm not perfect and I knew I needed The Lord to save me from my sinful life. That's why I repented of my sins. I was not caught in it. Nobody caught me. It was God's gracious hand that turned me back and caused me to repent.
That's why I came to this pastor for help because I thought he would. He asked me to write down my sins. I did because I trusted him. I thought he would help me. He said he would keep it just between him, me, and my wife. He said he would do that to help me. But he did not keep his promise. At that point that I was most vulnerable, he took advantage of me. He told others about what I told him in complete confidence and trust.
He is a hypocrite. He teaches that the blood of Jesus washes away our sins and yet he keeps an actual record of people's sins either manually or electronically. He has repeatedly shared my story to others, each time accusing me of my sins. He truly is doing the work of the accuser of the brethren.
I am not the only one who suffered at his hands with this demonic manipulation. Countless others have been destroyed, their characters assassinated, their lives broken by this one man's tactic of controlling and manipulating people. I myself and my wife have suffered depression because of what he did.
I will not be manipulated anymore. His tactics only work if you care about your reputation, which I do not. I am nobody. I am utterly worthless if not for the blood of Christ that saves me.
My endgame? I want to sound an alarm for everyone. I want to give each person an informed decision. I want to warn people of the pain and harm that this pastor will bring you if you choose to listen to him. I cannot open blind eyes. I cannot make the deaf hear or the mute speak. Only God can do that. Let this be a warning. Heeding it or not is not my decision to make. It is yours.
It really does not matter what people think about me as a person, as a Christian, or as a pastor. It does not matter if people will respect me or they will turn away in disgust because of what this pastor has fed into their minds about me.
What matters? What matters is that the blood of Jesus speaks louder than any of his accusations against me. I have faced the consequences of my decisions. God has chastised me, and under His mighty hand I submit. But to this pastor and to the people who propagate his work of accusing people of their sins, may the true message of what Christ did on the cross speak even louder! May we all beautifully live out the life purchased by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all to see, all for His greater glory!
P.S. Some may find it confusing that I declare God's finished work of mercy and grace upon my own sins and yet at the same time I am "hurling accusations" at this pastor. God's grace is extended for those who repent. The blood of Jesus washes away our sins but we have to acknowledge them before the Lord and REPENT.

P.P.S. Why use FB to post this? Simple. Because I can. It's my wall and I can do and will do what I want with it. Thank God for the freedom to share the truth!