Who was John the Baptist? John the Baptist is Zachariah's son in his old age. He is a Levite by blood and even though his father was serving in the Temple to burn incense and other Temple works, John never became a priest or probably HE CHOSE not to be associated with the corrupt High Priests Annas and Caiaphas whom he called "vipers". Instead he moved away as far as the wilderness to hear and to teach THE WORD OF THE LORD. A word that is not too welcomed in the world of prosperity preachers,
"You children of snakes! Change Your Mind (Repent), for the kingdom of God is near! Show the fruit of being a child of God and don't feel entitled because you came from a religious background. Judgment will come if you refuse to change!" (Paraphrased)
John was supposed to be clothed in fine linen, white as snow, famous among the elites of society, and quite rich due to the tithes and offerings. But instead, he chose to be humble and lived exactly the opposite: among the common people, clothed in camel's hair, and a leather belt around his waist, yet full of the Holy Spirit! And guess which group Jesus approved of and joined himself in?
Read Luke 3:1-9